大規模な営業チームに、パフォーマンス向上のための革新的なツールを。Innovative tools to boost large sales teams’ performance.
- 2022/07/20
- Pawel Gorski
- 出身地
- Opole, Poland
- 現住所
- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
ポーランドで生まれ、大学までをポーランドで過ごす。大学卒業後友人の勧めを受けて渡越し、非営利の国際青年組織AIESECでマネージング・ディレクターを務める。その後民間企業に転職し、ベトナムやその他の東南アジア諸国の工場労働者に福利厚生を提供するiCare BenefitsのB2B及び戦略的マーケティング部門の副部長に就任。iCare Benefits時代に感じていたベトナムの営業部門の抱える課題を解決するために、営業支援プラットフォーム「Tribee」を立ち上げた。
I was born in Poland where I grew up and studied. Immediately after graduation, I left for Vietnam. At first I was a managing director of a non-profit global youth organization called AIESEC. Later on, I moved to the private sector and became deputy head of B2B and Strategic Marketing department in iCare Benefits – company providing employee benefits to nearly 3 million factory workers in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Then I launched Tribee, a sales support platform, to solve the problems of Vietnamese sales departments that I had felt during my time at iCare Benefits.
私はポーランド生まれ、ポーランド育ちです。友人から勧められたのがきっかけで、大学卒業後すぐにベトナムに渡りました。最初に話を聞いた時はベトナムのことをほとんど知らず、あまり関心がありませんでした。しかし、その後自分で調べて、ベトナムの学生とも何回かスカイプで話していくうちに、ベトナムの方々の成長に対する情熱を感じて、現地に実際に行くことに決めました。渡越してからもう10年になります。渡越当初はAIESECという非営利の国際青年組織でマネージング・ディレクターを務めていましたが、その後iCare BenefitsのB2B及び戦略的マーケティング部門の副部長に就任いたしました。iCare Benefitsでの5年間では、タイへの事業拡大などにも携わりました。
iCare Benefitsでは、営業担当者が顧客である工場労働者に直接工場で会って福利厚生などのサービスを提供していました。しかし、営業担当者の研修をしたり、顧客に提供する福利厚生のポートフォリオに新製品を導入したり、全体の営業成績を向上させたりすることに苦戦していました。私たちをサポートできるような技術も当時は存在しなくて、結局営業担当者のネットワークに依存する以外なす術がありませんでした。
1.Details on my current DX work
I was born in Poland. Immediately after graduation, I left for Vietnam which is now my home for 10 years. I decided to go to Vietnam because a friend of mine recommended this country. Initially I wasn’t interested because I didn’t know much about Vietnam at all. But then I started my research and most of all, I had a couple of skype calls with students in Vietnam. Their passion to grow themselves, hard working attitude, and eagerness to do something great for their country while growing themselves made me really motivated to go there. I was a managing director of a non-profit global youth organization called AIESEC in Vietnam. Later on, I moved to iCare Benefits. During my 5 years at iCare Benefits, I also had a privilege to run the expansion of the business to Thailand.
iCare Benefits relied heavily on the network of hundreds of sales representatives who served our customers, the factory workers, by meeting them face to face in factories. It was incredibly difficult to manage the performance of this widespread salesforce, boost performance, or introduce new products to the portfolio of benefits they offered to our customers and train them. There was no technology which could support us.
The above struggle to effectively manage sales performance led me to start Tribee – a sales enablement platform which helps companies to connect with their distributed salesforce and improve their performance.
Tribee mobile app uses sales goals visualization, gamification, and data analytics to help the sales people understand what they need to do, how, and incentives they will receive for achieving their goals. The web portal helps the management to have a real-time, detailed view on performance of their teams to identify which people and teams need support at a given time. Management can then launch specific, targeted sales micro-training and incentive campaigns to boost performance.
2.Service outline
Before implementing the Tribee software for a new client, Tribee team offers consultation to understand each client’s unique challenges and needs. We then advise the client how to best take advantage of the technology to achieve higher sales.
3.Strengths of the service
We place great importance on understanding the sales person needs and challenges to ensure our software is highly engaging and useful to the end-user which is critical to successful implementation.
2)Cost competitiveness
Tribee technology is developed by an international team based in Vietnam which allows us to come up with the best value for money mix to satisfy our clients.
3)Flexible solution
Tribee platform offers multiple modules addressing different needs and challenges of the client. Customers can plug & play these modules based on the needs and control the cost.
4.Experiences that gave me a sense of accomplishment
In one of the field trips, we interviewed sales people of our future client. We noticed they were completely unmotivated to try new ideas to increase sales. We realized the reason was, these sales people did not understand the incentive scheme and believed it is impossible for them to generate extra income if they improve their own performance.
We implemented Tribee app for these employees which helped them to easily understand how much extra income they can generate and clear steps to achieve that. With that, their performance increased which satisfied both the employer and the sales team whose livelihood was now improved.
5.Future development and vision
We believe that every person should have access to tools that will help them to maximize the income and benefits they are getting from the work they are doing. That’s why we continue developing technological solutions which will help people to drive the behaviors that lead to higher performance and productivity.
We see technology playing a crucial role in this process. Combination of behavioral psychology and application of artificial intelligence helps to spot the performance patterns leading to higher results and influence and shape the right actions. Tribee is continuously investing in this direction to develop new modules and offer them to clients as Tribee mobile and web platform or as a set of APIs which the client can integrate into their existing applications.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tribee-vn/
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